Wee Wheezers

This Program is Validated Health professionals use this program to teach parents of children under age 7 to recognize, prevent, and manage asthma symptoms. Parents learn about resources for information and support, and how to communicate with caretakers and physicians.

A validated program that has demonstrated an increase in symptom-free days, decrease in parental sleep interruption and improved parental knowledge about asthma management. Also, recognized by the CDC as an effective educational intervention.

Health professionals conduct 4 group sessions for parents, and children join in for the last 2 sessions. Kit includes: instructor’s manual; program implementation and training guide; slides (PDF and Power point); instructor video; family video; handouts for parents and children. Call for bulk rates for videos.

Wee Wheezers Program Materials

  • Single Kit: $295.00
  • Additional Instructor Video: $8.00
  • Additional Companion Video: $8.00

Wee Wheezers at Home

This Program is Validated This at-home program is designed to teach parents of children under age seven about managing asthma. Health professionals conduct 8 sessions in the homes of a medically underserved family over 8 weeks. Parent materials are written at a fifth grade reading level. This validated program has demonstrated an increase in symptom-free days and improved caregiver quality of life. Also, recognized by the CDC as an effective educational intervention. Kit includes: home visitor’s manual; scripts for 8 sessions; manual for families and children; “My Triggers” coloring book; instructor video; family video; handouts, CD-ROM of checklists and assessment tools. Call for bulk rates for videos.

Wee Wheezers at Home Program Materials

  • Single Kit: $295.00
  • Additional Videos: $8.00 each
  • Coloring Book & Action Plan Kit
    (set of 10): $30.00

This Program is Validated This symbol indicates a “validated” health education program – demonstrated through formal research to be an effective educational intervention.


For bulk ordering, questions or inquiries, please contact us at: 410-484-2054