AAFA Sports Fantasy Celebration
?Live Work & Play?

Presenting Sponsor $35,000

Corporate name and logo on all literature including our Hot Air Balloon
10,000 ?Save the Date? cards and event invitations, and 5,000 rack cards displayed in the lobby
  and concierge desks of downtown office buildings
Recognition and logo in advertisement and PSA announcements by our Media Sponsors
Logo inclusion in all event paid or donated advertising
Logo placement in AAFA newsletter, annual report, and all appropriate printed materials
Recognition in all News Releases for event
Recognition/speaking roll at pre-event news conference w/celebrity guest
Recognition on our special event Web-site
Logo inclusion on Event Banners hung across Pratt Street
Posters for event strategically placed in downtown and county office building lobbies
Naming rights for the annual event


Prominent Signage at event entrance
Pre-event VIP Reception/ ten guests
Corporate Table for ten/premium seating
Dramatic on site signage with moving lights in front of sponsorship table
Photo opportunity with local and national celebrities
Logo and Web Site displayed on Interactive Video
Full page ad on back cover of the Souvenir Program
Media Coverage
Presentation of Medallion to company representative
Gift of Directors Chair with Corporate Logo
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Super Star $10,000

Logo Placement in AAFA newsletter, annual report, and all appropriate print materials
Recognition in Advertising and PSA announcements by our Media Sponsors
Recognition on our special event Web- Site
Logo Placement on Posters of Event Strategically placed in downtown lobbies
Pre-event VIP Reception
Corporate Table for Ten
Dramatic On Site Signage
Logo and Web Site Displayed on Interactive Video at Event
Full Page Ad in the Souvenir Program
Directors Chair with Corporate Logo
16 foot booth
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 Medical Marvel $5000

Recognition on our Web-site
Corporate Table of Ten at event
Logo and at Event
One-Half Page Ad in souvenir program
Directors Chair with corporate Logo
8 foot booth
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 Model Citizen $2500

Logo and Web Site Displayed at Event
Quarter page ad in program
Recognition on web site
8 foot booth
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 Breath of Life $1500

Six tickets to the event
Logo and Web Site Displayed at Event
Honorable mention in Program
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