Become a member and start the year off knowing that you are supporting the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Maryland-Greater Washington, D.C. Chapter (AAFA MD-DC) as it stives to help asthma and allergy sufferers to successfully manage and control their disease through the support of education, referrals and research. Did you know that:

  • 20% of the U.S. population suffers from some form of allergic disease.
  • Asthma is the most prevalent chronic incurable condition affecting children.
  • Asthma is the leading cause of absenteeism in school children.
  • Costs for asthma care exceed $6 billion a year.
  • Asthma deaths are on the increase, with an average of 14 prople dying from asthma per day.
  • Asthma is the leading cause of emergency room visits.
  • For adults, asthma is the fourth leading cause of work loss, resulting in 9 million lost work days each year. Allergies are responsible for 3-4 million lost U.S. workdays each year at a cost of $639 million. As estimated, 2 million school days are lost each year due to allergies.
  • There presently are no cures for asthma and allergic diseases.

    Membership is the core of AAFA MD-DC. Without it, AAFA MD-DC would not be able to offer the many important programs it does to the thousands of Mid-Atlantic region residents who need them. As a member you receive many benefits, including two newsletters (the Chapter’s newsletter, “BreathingEasier,” and the National AAFA newsletter, “Advance”) bringing you the latest asthma and allergy information and health management tips; medication discounts; complimentary copies of AAFA pamphlets; product discounts (i.e., peak flow meters); use of AAFA MD-DC’s lending library; and notification of all Chapter activities. The biggest benefit you receive for your $30.00 contribution is the knowledge that you are helping to defeat asthma and allergic diseases.

    To join or for more information about asthma and allergic diseases, call 410-653-2880 or 800-727-9333.