Auto Donations

AND Help Me Breathe a
Sigh of Relief.

Your unwanted vehicle could work wonders in the life of a child with asthma. All proceeds from your donation benefit the needy in our community.

Free towing and tax receipt.

Call (410) 653-2880 or (800) 727-9333 to find out how easy letting your old wheels roll our way can be. Giving yourself a tax breather will help others breathe easier, too!

Don’t have a car to donate? You can still help us by  getting the word out about our car program

We have flyers available that can be placed on any community bulletin board such as those at grocery stores, banks, place of employment, etc. with all the information someone would need to donate a car.

Please call (410-653-2880) or Email ([email protected]) and we can send you some flyers right away.

Or if you like you can print out you own flyer from the following link.