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American Girl

                      November 5-6, 2005                       Click for details!!              AND YES WE NEED MODELS!!!!!

AMERIGROUP Community Care – Live Well – Viva Bien

Community Outreach • February 2009 On behalf of AMERIGROUP Community Care, we look forward to continued success together in 2009. Health Presentations Offering Healthy Tips In an effort to keep Maryland healthy, AMERIGROUP Community Care (AMERIGROUP) provides health presentations in both English and Spanish to children and adults throughout the year. Health education representatives provide …

Latest Asthma Related News

MedBank ProgramCity health chief warns of asthma risksEliminating Asthma Triggers in the DayCare Environment WHAT DOES MEDBANK DO?MEDBANK works with over 100 drugcompanies. These drug companies give many of the drugs they make away at nocharge (a few have a very small charge of $5) to patientswho are below a certain income level. The application …

WE Need Your Help

   Chances are you’re already  making purchases on-line….     Why not do it through and part of the   money you spend will be         donated to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation. It costs you nothing extra but  could help us tremendously!        

Special announcements from National Asthma Education and Prevention Program

Special announcements from National Asthma Education and Prevention Program   The NAEPP will be sending materials to 65,000 elementary school principals in August. This mailing, coordinated by Chris Krutzsch, will reach eleven-twelfths of all elementary schools in the country. It will include a cover letter signed by Samuel G. Sava, Ed D., Executive Director, National …

AAFA Education – Places to Go!  Placesto Learn!

Program Services Learn how to manage your asthma. Locatean allergist. Get discounts on medication. Join a support group. Theseand countless other sources of help are available through AAFA Maryland-GreaterWashington, D.C.  Here are just a few of the many ways we can help.  Physician referrals: Locate an asthma and allergy specialist in your area.  Patient Assistance: …


AAFA EDUCATION – PLACES TO GO! PLACES TO LEARN! Program Services Learn how to manage your asthma. Locate an allergist. Get discounts on medication. Join a support group. These and countless other sources of help are available through AAFA Maryland-Greater Washington, D.C.  Here are just a few of the many ways we can help.   Physician …

Expansion of Community Education Programs

The Maryland/Greater Washington D.C. Chapter Office will be offering more of its educational programs throughout the region. With the increase in numbers of young children who have asthma and allergic diseases,the demand for programs to address these illnesses has grown rapidly. Support from regional and national funding sources will help in providing these classes to …


Employee Giving Campaigns: Fall is an important time for the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Maryland-Greater Washington, D.C. Chapter. September kicks off a three-month fundraising period in work sites around the state during which time employees contribute to our organization through payroll deductions. As a member of Community Health Charities of Maryland and the …