Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America

Maryland Chapter Chester Building, Suite 321 · 8600 LaSalle Road · Towson,MD Phone (410) 321-4710 · Fax (410) 321-0137 PATIENT ASSISTANCE The Patient Assistance Program of the Asthma and AllergyFoundation, Maryland Chapter, provides limited funds for unusual or unexpectedexpenses directly related to the patient’s asthma or allergic condition.Generally, services rendered under this program are for …

Event Location

 Home  Polen Count  Q & A  Education  Resources  Donations  Vehicle Donations  Breathmobile  Orders  Directions  Links  Special Thanks  Awards  Privacy Policy  Board Of Directors    The Oriole Bird   Lung Function Screenings Vendor Displays and Giveaways   Belly Dancing Hi striker   Basketball Face Painting   Squash Demonstration Sports Auction   And a Great Dinner

Please note: If you have accessed this page before you will need to “reload” the page from your browser to reflect today’s Pollen Count. Date: 7/19/99XXXX (Day the sample was read after 24 hour exposure) Weather: 0 0 = sunny clear , 1= cloudy, 2= rain Total Pollen 2 grs./cubic meter Predominant Pollens: Grass, Weeds …

AAFA Sports Fantasy Celebration
?Live Work & Play?

Presenting Sponsor $35,000 pre-event Corporate name and logo on all literature including our Hot Air Balloon 10,000 ?Save the Date? cards and event invitations, and 5,000 rack cards displayed in the lobby   and concierge desks of downtown office buildings Recognition and logo in advertisement and PSA announcements by our Media Sponsors Logo inclusion in all …

AAFA Sports Fantasy Celebration
?Live Work & Play?

Pollen Count

Date: 10/22/2003 (Day the sample was read after 24 hour exposure) Total Pollen: 0 grs./cubic meter Predominant Pollens: n/a GROUP NUMBER RANGE Trees – n/a Grass – n/a Weeds 0 n/a Molds 5000-10000 high Unidentified – n/a Ragweed pollen count is included in the weed measurement.   Pollen Ranges Trees: 0-15 Low Grass: 0-5 low …

Take a chance to win this beauti

 Home  Polen Count  Q & A  Education  Resources  Donations  Vehicle Donations  Breathmobile  Orders  Directions  Links  Special Thanks  Awards  Privacy Policy  Board Of Directors  Take a chance to win this beautiful king size, hand made, log cabin style, quilt. ONLY $2.00 Per CHANCE! Raffle to be held May 7th. 2005 with half the proceeds going to AAFA. Call now for tickets or order them online.   410-653-2880 X15 – – – …


Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the United States and nearly half of all American households include at least one sufferer. The prevalence of asthma has increased significantly since the 1980s and is currently estimated to affect approximately 20 million people. What is not well-known is that over half of this group …